(a) Base 10 (b) Base 16 (c) Base8 (d) Base 3
8. Storage of 1 KB means the following number of bytes
(a) 1000 (b)964 (c)1024 (d) 1064
9. What is the octal equivalent of the binary number:10111101
(a)675 (b)275 (c) 572 (d) 573.
10. Pick out the CORRECT statement:
(a) In a positional number system, each symbol represents the same value irrespective of its position
(b) The highest symbol in a position number system as a value equal to the number of symbols in the system
(c) It is not always possible to find the exact binary
(d) Each hexadecimal digit can be represented as a sequence of three binary symbols.
11.The binary code of (21.125)10 is
(a) 10101.001 (b) 10100.001 (c) 10101.010 (d) 10100.111.
12.A NAND gate is called a universal logic element because
(a) it is used by everybody
(b) any logic function can be realized by NAND gates alone
(c) all the minization techniques are applicable for optimum NAND gate realization
(d) many digital computers use NAND gates.
13. Digital computers are more widely used as compared to analog computers, because they are
(a) less expensive (b) always more accurate and faster
(c) useful over wider ranges of problem types (d) easier to maintain.
14. Most of the digital computers do not have floating point hardware because
(a) floating point hardware is costly
(b) it is slower than software
(c) it is not possible to perform floating point addition by hardware
(d) of no specific reason.
15. The number 1000 would appear just immediately after
(a) FFFF (hex) (b) 1111 (binary)
(c) 7777 (octal) (d) All of the above
(a) all the inputs to the gates are “1”
(b) all the inputs are ‘0’
(c) either of the inputs is “1”
(d) all the inputs and outputs are complemented.
25. An OR gate has 6 inputs. The number of input words in its truth table are
(c) 64
(d) 128
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1. The OR operation implies ______________.
boolean addition b) boolean multiplication
c) Boolean
subtraction d)
boolean division
2. The AND operation implies ______________.
a) boolean addition b) boolean multiplication
3. The output of a NAND gate is ___________, when all
the inputs are high.
a) low b) high c) low or high d) none of these
4.The output of a NOR gate is ___________, when all the
inputs are low.
a) low
b) high c) low or high d) none of these
5. A bubbled AND gate and a _____________ are
a) XOR gate b) XNOR gate c) NOR gate d) NAND gate
6. A bubbled OR gate and a _____________ are equivalent.
a) XOR gate b) XNOR gate c) NOR gate d) NAND gate
7.In which of the following base
systems is 123 not a valid number?(a) Base 10 (b) Base 16 (c) Base8 (d) Base 3
8. Storage of 1 KB means the following number of bytes
(a) 1000 (b)964 (c)1024 (d) 1064
9. What is the octal equivalent of the binary number:10111101
(a)675 (b)275 (c) 572 (d) 573.
10. Pick out the CORRECT statement:
(a) In a positional number system, each symbol represents the same value irrespective of its position
(b) The highest symbol in a position number system as a value equal to the number of symbols in the system
(c) It is not always possible to find the exact binary
(d) Each hexadecimal digit can be represented as a sequence of three binary symbols.
11.The binary code of (21.125)10 is
(a) 10101.001 (b) 10100.001 (c) 10101.010 (d) 10100.111.
12.A NAND gate is called a universal logic element because
(a) it is used by everybody
(b) any logic function can be realized by NAND gates alone
(c) all the minization techniques are applicable for optimum NAND gate realization
(d) many digital computers use NAND gates.
13. Digital computers are more widely used as compared to analog computers, because they are
(a) less expensive (b) always more accurate and faster
(c) useful over wider ranges of problem types (d) easier to maintain.
14. Most of the digital computers do not have floating point hardware because
(a) floating point hardware is costly
(b) it is slower than software
(c) it is not possible to perform floating point addition by hardware
(d) of no specific reason.
15. The number 1000 would appear just immediately after
(a) FFFF (hex) (b) 1111 (binary)
(c) 7777 (octal) (d) All of the above
16. The decimal equivalent of binary number 1110 is
a) 15 b) 16 c) 18 d) 14
110112= X10, then
X = 27 b) X = 37 c) X = 17 d) X = 12
18.The 1’s compliment of 1110 is __________.
a) 1111 b) 0001 c) 0010 d) 0000
19.The 2’s compliment of 1110 is ____________.
a) 1111 b) 0001 c) 0010 d) 0000
If 4710= X8, then
a) X = 37 b) X = 27 c) X = 74 d) X = 57
21. The octal equivalent of 001001011011(2) is _________________.
a) 3311(8) b) 3113(8) c) 1133(8) d) 1331(8)
If 110211102= X16 then
a) X = AB b) X = CD c) X = EF d) X = DE
If 5810= XBCD, then
X = 01011000
b) X = 01010001
c) X = 10101000 d)
24. An AND gate will function as
OR if(a) all the inputs to the gates are “1”
(b) all the inputs are ‘0’
(c) either of the inputs is “1”
(d) all the inputs and outputs are complemented.
25. An OR gate has 6 inputs. The number of input words in its truth table are
(c) 64
(d) 128
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