Sunday 9 June 2013




1.           Flow of electrons is generally termed as _____________.

        (a) Electric current                                           (b) electric shock
         (c) Semiconductor                               (d) none of the above

2.     A _______________ is a material which offers very little resistance to the flow of current through it.
            a) Good conductor                                b) insulator
           c) Semiconductor                               d) none of the above
3.     The resistance offered by ______________ is extremely large for the flow of current through it.
  a) Good conductor                              b) insulator
           c) Semiconductor                               d) none of the above
4.           The materials which behave like perfect insulators at low temperatures & at higher temperatures, they behave like good conductors are termed as ________.

             a) Good conductor                                           b) insulator
             c) Semiconductor                                    d) none of the above

5.           The conductivity of a semiconductor _____________ with temperature.

          a) Increases                                                          b) decreases

          c) Can’t say                                            d) none of the above

6.           The conductivity of a good conductor _____________ with temperature.
             a) Increases                                             b) decreases
          c) Can’t say                                             d) none of the above
7.     The resistance of a semiconductor _____________ with temperature.
          a) Increases                                              b) decreases
          c) Can’t say                                              d) none of the above
8.           The resistance of a good conductor _____________ with temperature.
           a) Increases                                                            b) decreases
           c) Can’t say                                             d) none of the above
9.     The charge of an electron is ___________________.
      a) 1.602×10+27Coulomb                                  b) 1.602×10-27Coulomb
           c) 1.602×10+19Coulomb                                d) 1.602×10-19Coulomb
10.  The total number of electrons in an atom depends upon ____________.
              a) The atomic mass                                                 b) the atomic weight
              c) The atomic number                                            d) the atomic size
11.  In any atom, the number of electrons in the last orbit (i.e., the outermost orbit               or the valence orbit) is limited to ________________.
             a) 4                                                              b) 8
          c) 10                                                            d) 12
12.  In any atom, the outermost orbit is called ______________.
          a) Valence orbit                                                           b) energy band
            c) Conduction band                                                    d) forbidden band
13.  The electrons present in the valence orbit are termed as _______________.
           a) Valence electrons                                                   b) free electrons
           c) Can’t say                                                 d) none of the above
14.                        The range of energies possessed by the electrons of any one orbit of all atoms is referred as _____________________.
          a) Valence band                                           b) energy band
          c) Conduction band                                                   d) forbidden band
15.  The energy band in relation to valence electrons is termed as ___________.
            a) Valence band                                                    b) energy band
            c) Conduction band                                                          d) forbidden band
16.  Electrons which are removed from the valence orbits of atoms, which are freely available for conduction, are termed as __________________.
              a) Valence electrons                                                    b) free electrons
           c) Can’t say                                                  d) none of the above
17.  The range of energies possessed by the free electrons is termed as ______.
                a) Valence band                                         b) energy band
                c) Conduction band                                       d) forbidden band
18.  The void (or gap) separating conduction band and valence band, and noelectron can exist in this void is termed as ______________.
             a) Valence band                                          b) energy band
             c) Conduction band                                    d) forbidden band
19.  In a metal, the number of valence electrons is ___________.
               a) Less than 4                                                 b) equal to 4
               c) Greater than 4                                         d) equal to 8
      20. In a semiconductor material, the number of valence electrons is ___________.
           a) Less than 4                                                b) equal to 4
           c) Greater than 4                                           d) equal to 8
      21. In an insulator, the number of valence electrons is ___________.

          a) Less than 4                                                 b) equal to 4
          c) Greater than 4                                             d) equal to 8
       22.   The current which results in a semiconductor material due to the movement of holes  
           is termed as ___________________.
            a) hole current                                                   b) electron current
            c) negative current                                          d) none of the above
      23. A semiconductor in its pure form is termed as __________________.
                a) intrinsic semiconductor                                   b) extrinsic semiconductor
                c) p-type semiconductor                                              d) n-type semiconductor
      24. The process of adding impurity to a pure semiconductor material, in order to increase its
       conductivity is called as __________________.
            a) dancing                                                      b) doping
            c) creating holes                                             d) creating electrons
     25. A semiconductor to which an impurity is added with view to increase its conductivity is   
           termed as __________________.
              a) intrinsic semiconductor                                 b) extrinsic semiconductor
              c) p-type semiconductor                                            d) n-type semiconductor
   26. If a pentavalent impurity like arsenic or antimony or phosphorus is added to pure    
         germanium or silicon, a _____________________ results.
           a) intrinsic semiconductor                                              b) extrinsic semiconductor
           c) p-type semiconductor                                       d) n-type semiconductor
   27. In a n-type semiconductor material electrons are ________________.
          a) majority charge carriers                                               b) minority charge carriers
          c) donor atoms                                                  d) acceptor atoms
    28. In a n-type semiconductor material holes are ________________.
             a) majority charge carriers                                           b) minority charge carriers
          c) donor atoms                                               d) acceptor atoms
    29. The pentavalent impurity atom, like arsenic, added to pure germanium material is
         termed as ____________.
             a) majority charge carriers                                          b) minority charge carriers
             c) donor atoms                                                             d) acceptor atoms
     30. If a trivalent impurity like gallium or indium or aluminum is added to pure germanium     
          or silicon, a _____________________ results.
           a) intrinsic semiconductor                                           b) extrinsic semiconductor
           c) p-type semiconductor                                              d) n-type semiconductor

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